How to Clean Your Sink

Follow These Steps to Clean and Disinfect Your Sink with Clorox® Bleach or Clorox® Scented Bleach:
PrepWipe the surface with a wet sponge or cloth.
MixMix 1 cup (250 ml) of Clorox® Bleach or Clorox® Scented Bleach with 5 L of water.
WipeWipe the surface with the bleach solution.
WaitTo disinfect, allow the solution to stay on the surface for at least 10 minutes.
RinseRinse and let the surface air dry.
Follow These Steps to Clean and Disinfect Your Sink with Undiluted Clorox® Gel Thick Bleach + Cleaner:
ApplyApply undiluted Clorox® Gel Thick Bleach + Cleaner directly to the nonporous surface.
WaitTo disinfect, wait 1 minute.
RinseRinse and let the surface air dry.
Follow These Steps to Clean and Disinfect Your Sink with Clorox® Bathroom Cleaner:
ApplySpray Clorox® Bathroom Cleaner on the surface until it is wet.
WaitTo disinfect, wait 5 minutes.
WipeWipe and let dry.
Follow These Steps to Clean and Disinfect Your Sink with Clorox® 5×1 Disinfecting Household Cleaner:
PrepWipe the surface with a wet sponge or cloth.
MixMix 1/4 cup of Clorox® 5x1 Disinfecting Household Cleaner with 1 L of water.
WipeWipe the surface with the solution.
WaitTo disinfect, allow the solution to stay on the surface for at least 2 minutes.
Wipe or air dryWipe the surface or allow it to air dry.
When cleaning, open windows to ventilate the area, lessen fumes and promote drying.
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