Catching Germs at School

Healthy hygiene habits at home can help keep schools out of the hot zone.
Helping kids develop healthy hygiene habits at home can go a long way to reducing the spread of germs in school.
Here are two simple steps you can take:
1. Take 5 to Disinfect
To kill 99.9% of the germs* on hard, nonporous surfaces that can cause colds and flu, use Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes to disinfect household surfaces kids touch most at home:
- Phones
- Doorknobs
- Refrigerator handles
- TV remotes
- Toy storage bins
- Light switches
- Faucets
2. Teach Kids the ABCs of Healthy Hygiene
- Always wash hands before and after eating and after using the bathroom, with soap and warm water, for at least 20 seconds — the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.
- Be aware of germs, and know where they can hide, especially on shared school supplies.
- Cough and sneeze into elbows or tissues, not hands.
*Human Coronavirus, Influenza A2 virus
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