How to Clean Doorknobs & More

Hit the hotspots: TV remotes, door handles and light switches.
Hit all the dirt-and-germ hotspots in your home, including door handles, TV remotes and more.
For a Convenient Clean
Use Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes on:
- Refrigerator and microwave door handles
- Kitchen and bathroom faucets
- Toilet handles
- TV remotes
- Phone receivers
- Light switches
- Doorknobs
For a deeper clean
In addition to the above steps:
- Disinfect kitchen and bathroom countertops with Clorox® Bathroom Cleaner.
- Sanitize cutting boards with Clorox® Bleach
- Spray the tub or shower with a disinfectant such as Clorox® Bathroom Cleaner.
- Clean the toilet bowl, seat and cover with Clorox® Gel.
- Run an empty load in the washing machine with ½ cup Clorox® Bleach to kill bacteria and viruses spread by contaminated clothing.
- Sweep and mop the kitchen and bathroom floors with Clorox® Bleach.
- Vacuum the carpets.
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