How to Disinfect & Protect Home

Cold and flu viruses are sneaky and like to hide around the house.
The viruses that can cause colds and flu have a funny way of hiding out in your house.
Understanding Where Viruses Live
Put cold & flu viruses in time out by regularly disinfecting toys with Clorox® Bleach.
No wonder cold and flu viruses hang out on fridge, microwave and door handles. Take care of them with Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes.
TV Remote
Who controls the remote in your house? Viruses do. Turn off cold and flu viruses with Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes.
Cold and flu viruses love hiding in your bathroom. Find them. Regularly disinfect toilet exterior, sink and bath surfaces with Clorox® Bathroom Cleaner.
Phone Receiver
Pick up the phone. Pick up something unwanted. Reduce exposure to cold and flu viruses with Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes.
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